Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 5 Full English Sub

Published Date: 31 March, 2024 - 08:39 AM

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 5 Full English Sub

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 5 Full English Sub - TokuFun

Bakuage 5: The Police Will Not Falter (警察屋はくじけない Keisatsu-ya wa Kujikenai) is the fifth episode of Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger. It features Jou Akuse's first transformation as Bun Black as well as the first apperances of the Boonboom PatoCar 1, Boonboom PatoCar 2, and Boonboomger Robo Police.


Jou is assigned to watch over the Boonboomgers. He wants to protect people in a cool way, so he says, "Please let me join the Boonboomgers!" However, Taiya refuses, saying, "You can't do it!"

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Note: TVAnon version will be uploaded on PRO platform.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Other Episodes and Movies English Sub - Main Post - TokuFun


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