Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 21 Full English Sub

Published Date: 04 February, 2024 - 04:47 PM

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 21 Full English Sub

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 21 Full English Sub - TokuFun

Mad Warrior! The Black Flame Valvarad! (マッドウォリアー!黒炎のヴァルバラド!, Maddo Woriā! Kokuen no Varubarado!) is the twenty-first episode of Kamen Rider Gotchard. It features the debut of Kamen Rider Valvarad and his Orochishovel Custom.


Houtaro drives the runaway Wheel Malgam into de-transformation with the power of Fire Gotchard. However, Supana stubbornly shuts his mind, saying to Houtaro and the others, "This is my battle," and remains engulfed in black flames.

Houtaro and the others support Kyoka in making a new driver for Supana. They continue working on it through the night, but now Geryon's evil hand is closing in on Kyoka..!

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