Kamen Rider Revice Episode 3 Full English Sub

Published Date: 19 September, 2021 - 12:59 PM

Kamen Rider Revice Episode 3 Full English Sub

Kamen Rider Revice Episode 3 Full English Sub - TokuFun

Hostage Trouble, What To Do Brother!? (人質トラブル、どうする兄弟!?, Hitojichi Toraburu, Dousuru Kyōdai!?) is the third episode of Kamen Rider Revice. It features the debuts of the Ptera Vistamp and the completed Mammoth Vistamp along with Revi and Vice's Mammoth Genome. It also features the brief appearance of a currently unnamed Driver.


"There's more to the world than a bath house..." Daiji was visiting his mother, Yukimi's hospital room. He is worried that his brother Ikki won't sign a contract with Fenix, so he went to consult with her about it. Their mother kindly tells Daiji, "You should just do what you can". Meanwhile, Ikki is having issues with yet another kind of contract. While their family consented to the eviction proceedings of their bath house due to the city's renovations, Ikki still refuses to accept the outcome. "This bath house belongs to our family!" Just then, his childhood friend Ayaka, who was out shopping, contacts him. "Ikki! A Deadman has appeared!" Ikki has a love for bath houses stronger than anyone else, but at the remark he jumps out of the hot water like a conditioned reflex. However, Sakura and her friends are being threatened by a man with a gun and have been taken as hostages.

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Here is the chat dialog when henshin

Ikki & Vice’s Textchat Conversation #3-1

Ikki & Vice’s Textchat Conversation #3-2

Ikki & Vice’s Textchat Conversation #3-3


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