Rider Time: Kamen Rider Ryuki (RIDER TIME 仮面ライダー龍騎 Raida Taimu Kamen Raidā Ryūki) is the second installment of Kamen Rider Zi-O Spin-off that focuses on the character of Shinji Kido and serves as a sequel to Kamen Rider Ryuki[1] and its tribute arc for Kamen Rider Zi-O.
A mysterious person restarts the Mirror World's Rider Battle, thus making Shinji Kido and other war participants regain their memories and transforming abilities. With the appearance of Another Ryuki, Sougo Tokiwa and Geiz Myokoin investigate this event, becoming involved in the war themselves...
Kamen Rider Zi-O: Between episodes 28 and 29, since Sougo and Geiz already know about Shinji Kido and Mirror World. Additionally, the Ryuki Ridewatch can be seen in episode 29, which aired the same date during the special's release.
Kamen Rider Ryuki: Takes place 16 years after the end of the TV series of Ryuki and following the Ryuki tribute arcs in Zi-O.
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